Want your team fired-up to Build, Innovate, Embrace Change, Go Lean, Become a High-Impact Team? Have Dr. Krystylle as your keynote and watch the transformation begin as she uses her 40 years of global industry experience to motivate and inspire massive action. Her keynotes are interactive, extremely engaging and create the dynamic shifts you have been waiting for. BOOK Krystylle Today!
WOIII shirt - SEND EMAIL TO innovate@womenoiii.com to convey your address for shipping - thanks for supporting. Join the movement at womenoiii.com. Thank you G3QARA for supporting WOIII.
Set up a 1 session review of your invention, the viability of your idea, the various aspects of your patent submission from a design, engineering, impact and risk perspective. If you decide to move further with monthly retainer, a portion of this fee can go towards your first months fee. You leave with ideas for your initial development roadmap.
We love longer-term engagements and building relationships vs simply client engagements. Working the intricacies of your roadmap takes ongoing updates, actions, research, coordination with stakeholders, vendors, regulatory agencies and more. Rather than pay by the hour, go ahead and set up a retainer fee for at least a 6 month timeframe and we will do whatever is needed within reason to accommodate daily check-ins, ongoing research, vendor assessments for your development needs, and 1-on-1 sessions for 30 minutes a few times during the month, all within the retainer fee amount. Contact us TODAY to get more info on how this works, and get the best value for your investment with our team. Start with a in-depth Biz Review then decide.
We love longer-term engagements and building relationships vs simply client engagements. Working the intricacies of your roadmap takes ongoing updates, actions, research, coordination with stakeholders, vendors, regulatory agencies and more. Rather than pay by the hour, go ahead and set up a retainer fee for at least a 6 month timeframe and we will do whatever is needed within reason to accommodate daily check-ins, ongoing research, vendor assessments for your development needs, and 1-on-1 sessions for 30 minutes a few times during the month, all within the retainer fee amount. Contact us TODAY to get more info on how this works, and get the best value for your investment with our team. Start with a general Biz Review then decide.
Set up a 1 hour review of your invention, the viability of your idea, the various aspects of your patent submission from a design, engineering, impact and risk perspective. If you decide to move further with monthly retainer, a portion of this fee can go towards your first months fee. Start with a quick Biz Review and decide.
Send a note to innovate@womenoiii.com to describe your doantion focus - or write it on the sponsorship check if you are at an event with us - we appreciate your generosity.
Send a note to innovate@womenoiii.com to describe your doantion focus - or write it on the sponsorship check if you are at an event with us - we appreciate your generosity.
Send a note to innovate@womenoiii.com to describe your doantion focus - or write it on the sponsorship check if you are at an event with us - we appreciate your generosity.
Dr. Krystylle is an energizing interactive speaker and corporate trainer. Have her come on-site to speak to your company, organization, team on any of these topics: Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion, Innovation, Distruptive Thinking, Public Speaking and more. This can include interactive workshops as well. (Ask for details).
Donate now to help our students in the U.S. and overseas as a part of Nex Gen Innovators
Donate now to help our students in the U.S. and overseas as a part of Nex Gen Innovators
Donate now to help our students in the U.S. and overseas as a part of Nex Gen Innovators
Donate now to help our students in the U.S. and overseas as a part of Nex Gen Innovators